Terms of use
1. General provisions
The platforms careersinternational.com, topwomentech.com, jobinar.com, topwomen.careers, their subdomains, and related applications (hereinafter: “Platform”) are managed by and are the property of Careers International SPRL, 390 avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels (Belgium), registered in the Register of Legal Entities of Brussels under number 0863.467.571 (hereinafter: “Careers International”, ). The “Platform” shall also refer to any other current or future websites or mobile applications managed and being the property of Careers International.
In case of questions, complaints and/or remarks regarding the Platform, you can contact Careers International at the following email address: privacy@careersinternational.com Careers International undertakes to provide an answer within 7 calendar days. The information concerning the collection and processing of personal data is provided in the privacy policy of the Platform (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”).
Careers International reserves the right to modify, adapt, improve and/or update the Platform and these general terms of use (hereinafter: “TOU”) at any time, in order to comply with the legal obligations or to improve the Platform. Any modified version of these TOU will be applicable from the date of its publication. Careers International will notify Users. However, Careers International also recommends that the User regularly consults the TOU. The use of the Platform constitutes an acknowledgment of the existence of the modified TOU, their binding effect and the obligation to comply with them.
Using the Platform implies that the User of the Platform warrants that he/she is of age and that he/she agrees entirely and irrevocably with the conditions and guidelines for the use of the Platform contained in the present TOU, the Privacy Policy, as well as any other legal document mentioned on the Platform, and acknowledges at the same time to have fully took notice of its content. If the User is using the Platform on behalf of a company or other legal entity, he/she nevertheless accepts to be individually bound by the TOU.
2.Description of the Platform
2.1. Purpose of Careers International
The mission of Careers International is to enable people around the world to fulfil their potential by fostering their career development. The Platform aims at making services available in order to achieve this mission.
2.2. User and Registered User
Becoming a User. You agree that by using the Platform, or by accessing, viewing, downloading or otherwise using any of the information or services on the Platform, you become a Careers International user (hereinafter: “User”).
Becoming a Registered User. The User agrees that in order to use or access certain (current or future) information, products or services, including, where appropriate products and services provided in collaboration with our partners (collectively referred to as the “Services”), he/she may be required to create an account on the Platform and therefore to become a Careers International registered user (hereinafter: “Registered User”). The Registered User acknowledges the creation of an account and consents to the use of electronic signatures. The registration process may differ depending on the registration option chosen by the User – uploading a file, copy/pasting a resume, registering without resume, or registering via LinkedIn/Facebook. Data provided shall be processed in the accordance with the Privacy Policy. He/she may delete or change information on his/her account at any time in the Candidate Portal or and delete his/her account by sending an email to privacy@careersinternational.com . Users and Registered Users are collectively referred to as the “Users”.
2.3. Overview of the functioning of the platform
All Users have access to information related to events and jobs.
Registered User have the possibility to apply to jobs or to be invited to events.
2.4. Information and data provided
The Registered User is solely and exclusively responsible for the information and any other elements that he/she submits to the Platform, and agrees not to hold Careers International, in any way, liable.
The Registered User who submits information to the Platform or uses the Platform in any other way undertakes to respect the applicable laws and undertakes not to:
a.violate the rights of third parties (right to image and privacy, intellectual property rights, …);
b. violate applicable regulations or laws;
c.conduct actions that are harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, denigrating, violent, akin to harassment, vulgar, obscene, hateful or incite hate, pornographic, pedophiles, child-pornographic, racially or ethnically questionable, contrary to morality, or likely to undermine the respect for human beings and their dignity, as well as the protection of minors;
d. communicate false, incorrect or misleading information, or for which he/she has received compensation or consideration from a third party;
e. impersonate any person or entity or make a false statement or distort the links with any person or entity.
The User guarantees that she/he has all the necessary authorisations to communicate any information to Careers International. The Users are required to ensure that all information provided is accurate, complete and kept up to date.
The Users agree to comply with all reasonable guidelines or requirements, requests or instructions from Careers International in connection with the Platform.
The User safeguards Careers International against any actions or complaints by third parties (including the public authorities) related to the information.
Users are solely responsible for the use of the Platform and access to their own personal account. In this regard, Users must ensure that no other person has access to their personal account. In the event that the User is aware that another person accesses the Platform with his/her personal account, he/she may immediately inform Careers International by email to the following address: privacy@careersinternational.com . Careers International cannot be held liable for any loss or damage that the User would suffer as a result of the unauthorised use of his/her personal account by others, even without the knowledge of the User.
2.5. Careers International’s rights and obligations
Careers International reserves the right to cancel or suspend, at any time, without notice and at its sole discretion, access to the Platform to a User:
(i) in the presence of elements that indicate a possible infringement of applicable legislation, the TOU, or the rights of third parties,
(ii) about which it has received a complaint,
(iii) if he/she causes or is likely to cause prejudice to the interests of Careers International, other Users or third parties,
(iv) whose previous personal account has been deleted by Careers International or who is not permitted by Careers International to have an account the Platform,
(v) who is a competitor of Careers International or in any other way uses the Platform in a manner that is inconsistent with the purpose of the Platform, or
(vi) who has more than one account.
Careers International does not warrant that the content of the Platform is of quality, complete, accurate, adequate or reliable, nor that it complies with applicable legislation and these TOU, nor that it does not violate the rights of third parties. Careers International expressly disclaims any and all liability for the content and quality of information disseminated by users through the Platform and the Services.
3.Intellectual Property Rights
3.1. Rights related to the information provided by the User
The intellectual property rights relating to the information and data provided by the User remain the property of the latter.
The User declares and guarantees that she/he has all the necessary authorisations to provide such information. The User agrees to safeguard Careers International against any actions by any third party.
Each User grants Careers International a free, irrevocable, transferable license for the entire world and for the entire legal term of protection, without this giving any right to any remuneration or benefit, on the data and information provided by the User, for the sole purpose of the proper performance of the Services related to the Platform. This license covers in particular all rights of reproduction, representation, communication to the public, and distribution.
3.2. Rights related to the Platform
All elements of the Platform (including, but not limited to the used software, source code, layout, text, logos, photographs, designs, images, sounds, databases, the name (“Careers International”), as well as commercial and domain names) are works protected by intellectual property rights, and in particular by copyright, trademark law, database law, design and patent law (hereinafter “Intellectual Property Rights”).
All Intellectual Property Rights belong to Careers International and are incorporated into the Platform with the consent of the owner of the rights in question.
No part of the Platform itself, nor the data and information presented on the Platform, may be registered (other than those necessary to use the Platform) or reproduced, modified, translated, made public, distributed, rented or sold, transmitted to third parties or used in any manner whatsoever without the prior written authorisation by Careers International.
Careers International grants the User a temporary, personal, worldwide, non-transferable license on the Platform, allowing him to use the latter in accordance with these TOU. The license is only granted for the sole purpose of allowing the User to use the Platform for strictly personal purposes, to the exclusion of any other purpose. The license is only granted for the duration of the use of the Platform. The license means the right to display and implement the Platform in accordance with its purpose via a connection to an electronic communications network. The User may not under any circumstances make the elements available to a third party, and strictly prohibits any other use, in particular any adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, distribution, or decompilation, without this list being limiting. Any use foreign to its purpose is prohibited. This prohibition applies regardless of the method of reproduction, representation and / or modification, and regardless of the duration.
4.Liability and warranty
Careers International cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage directly or indirectly resulting from access to or use of the Platform and the Services.
Careers International ensures to communicate information that is as accurate as possible, but can never guarantee the accuracy, completeness or relevance of the information presented on the Platform and therefore cannot be held liable thereto.
Careers International declines any and all responsibility as to the usage which would be made, the decisions that would be taken or actions that would be undertaken by the Users on the basis of the information made available on the Platform and cannot be held liable for the mistakes made by the User on the basis of this information.
Careers International also declines any and all responsibility for the direct or indirect damages that could result from inaccuracy, lack of completeness, irrelevance, omission or negligence in the production, development, drafting, writing and interpretation of information. Careers International declines any and all responsibility in the event of deletion, non-storage, or non-transmission of information.
The User is required to inform Careers International as soon as possible of any use or risk of unauthorised use of her/his account and / or her/his identifiers.
The User expressly agrees to use the Platform at her/his own risk and under her/his sole responsibility. In any case, Careers International will in no way be held liable for:
(a) any damage resulting from the violation of these TOU;
(b) any malfunction, unavailability of access, misuse, misconfiguration of the User’s equipment;
(c) impossibility or difficulty to use the Platform due to the use of inappropriate equipment or the use of an uncommon operating system by the User;
(d) links or external sources accessible by the User on the Platform.
Careers International provides the Platform “as is”. Careers International declines any and all liability for permanent or temporary damages or defects of computer equipment or User data during or after the use of the Platform. In particular, Careers International declines any and all responsibility for the possible transmission of viruses and trojans via the Platform.
Regarding the implementation of the Platform, Careers International uses the most modern technologies as much as possible. However, Careers International cannot be held liable for (temporary) breakdowns or failures or any maintenance work on – or from – the Platform as well as relating to the availability, speed, safety and reliability of the information relating thereto.
Careers International cannot be held liable for any possible costs or expenses (e.g. internet connection, travel, …) related to the Platform. The full costs for the use of the Platform are the responsibility of the User.
In case of impossibility of access to the Platform, due to technical problems or problems of any other nature, the User may not claim damages and may not claim any compensation.
The hypertext links on the Platform may refer to other websites and Careers International cannot be held liable if the content of these sites contravenes applicable laws. Similarly, Careers International cannot be held liable if the User’s visit to one of these sites causes him/her harm.
Careers International makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of this site’s content, or the content of any site “hot-linked” (or information provided by other organisations) to this site. The “hot-link” to other web sites and information supplied is provided as a convenience only, and such linkage does not imply any type of association, sponsorship with or endorsement of the “hot-linked” site. No member of Careers International shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any contents of this site or the content of site “hot-linked” to this site. Any communication or material posted or transmitted to Careers International over the Internet will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. DO NOT post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered improper, a criminal offence, or violation of any law.
You agree to indemnify Careers International and hold Careers International harmless for all damages, losses and costs (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) related to any third party claims, charges, and investigations, among others caused by (1) your failure to comply with this TOU, including, without limitation, your submission of content that violates third party rights or applicable laws, (2) any content you submit to the Platform or Services.
5.Platform availability
In principle the Platform is accessible 24/24, 7/7, except for interruptions, scheduled or not, for maintenance purposes or in case of force majeure as defined below.
“Force majeure” shall mean, without this list being exhaustive, an order issued by the authorities, a mobilisation, war, an epidemic, a lockout, a strike, a manifestation, technical defects in the transmission of communications, a flood, an explosion, a shortage of raw materials or labor, a change in global economic circumstances, an act of vandalism, exceptional weather conditions, as well as any circumstances beyond Careers International control and disrupting the normal course of business, without Careers International having to demonstrate the unpredictability of those circumstances.
6.Third Party Sites and Developers
The Platform may contain:
(i) links to third party web sites (“Third-Party Sites”),
(ii) third party applications that provide features and functionalities (such as, though not limited to, video interviews or CV passing) using data and developer tools made available by CI through its developer platform (“Third-Party Application”).
You are responsible for evaluating whether you want to access to or use such Third-Party Site or Third-Party Application. Careers International strongly advise you to review any applicable terms and/or privacy policy of any Third-Party Site or Third-Party Application before using it or sharing any information with it, as you may be bound by their terms of use.
Careers International is not responsible for and does not endorse any features, content, information, advertising, products or any other materials available on Third-Party Sites or Third-Party Application.
Careers International’s failure to enforce any provision of the TOU, or lack of action against a User in the event of a possible violation of any provision of the TOU, cannot be interpreted as any waiver of any right.
If any provision of the TOU is deemed illegal, void or unenforceable for any other reason, then that provision will be deemed severable from the general conditions and will not affect the validity and applicability of the remaining provisions.
These TOU as well as the Privacy Policy describe the entire agreement between the User and Careers International.
The TOU are not assignable, transferable or sub-licensable by the User himself.
It is possible that there are, to a limited extent, inaccuracies or errors, or information conflicting with the TOU and/or Privacy Policy on the Platform and in the offered Services. Additionally, it is possible that third parties make unauthorised changes on the site or on related Services (social networks …). Careers International makes every effort to ensure that these kinds of discrepancies are corrected.
Any notification or notice concerning the TOU or the Privacy Policy must be done per email to the address privacy@careersinternational.com stating the name, first name, User contact information and the subject of the notification.
8.Governing law
Except for contrary mandatory legal provisions, the TOU are governed and interpreted in accordance with Belgian legislation.
Before taking legal action, the parties shall take all reasonable steps to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute.
Subject to contrary mandatory legal provisions, any dispute relating to the contractual relations between the parties, in particular regarding the execution and interpretation of the TOU and Privacy Policy, as well as to any action of the parties, and in general any dispute between the parties shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the User’s place of residence.