How it works
Our recruiters build personal connections with candidates matching your profile, generating interest in your event.
We qualify candidates through CV screening and qualification calls, presenting a shortlist on an ongoing basis. This makes it easier for you to decide who we invite.
Why it works
At Careers International, our Afterwork events stand out for their relaxed atmosphere and authentic interactions. With a 99% satisfaction rate for attending candidates, these events help your organisation stand out as an employer, while boosting your talent engagement pipeline.
With just one point of contact, we’ll take care of all event logistics and ensure only the best candidates are presented to you on the day.
As part of our Afterwork events, you can expect:
- Proactive sourcing
- CV screening
- Qualification calls & interviews
- Presentation of shortlisted candidates
- Invitation management
- Consulting on the design of the event
- Handling all candidate questions
- Preparing information packs/tasks for candidates
- Event logistics
- Candidates’ feedback questionnaire & report

An Afterwork Event — Arranged on Your Behalf
Worried about making your Afterwork event happen? Don’t!
As part of your Afterwork event, you’ll get to sit down with one of our talent acquisition specialists and arrange an event that not only reflects your employer brand, it also offers candidates a memorable and engaging experience.

Success Stories
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